
Promoting Equality at PSVT

Promoting Equality at PSVT

At PSVT we recognise that equality, diversity, and inclusion are vital to a sustainable and successful future for both our organisation and the village we are responsible for. Respect is one of our core charitable values ‘We value diversity and treat everyone fairly’.

We want to commission a passionate and experienced consultant to work with us to embed this aspiration across our organisation and in every aspect of our work. You will collaborate with us to review our working practices, policies, plans, programmes, and communications in relation to equality, diversity, and inclusion. You will also help us to identify our priorities for the next 5 years and create an ambitious but realistic improvement plan. This commission represents the opportunity to not only improve the culture of our organisation, but also to diversify our community and visitor base. 

Click here to download the full brief.

The deadline for proposals is 10am on Thursday 4th February 2021. Please submit by email with subject heading: Promoting Equality at PSVT, for the attention of Katherine Lynch, Director of Heritage, [email protected]. 

We hope to make a decision based on applicants’ submissions but may be in touch for further information if necessary.